December 31, 2010

Big Girl Panties

Maybe I should've added this tid-bit of news to my year in review, but I figured it needed it's own post. I'll give you the whole history of it and keep you waiting...and reading.

I've spent the last half of this year trying to figure out what to do with my life and to see where God wanted me and what he wanted me to do. Not many people know but when I left Maui, I was offered an opportunity to return in May of 2010 in a paid position as the Volunteer Coordinator. All along, that was my plan. I was going to work in Whistler until March, have 2 months at home visiting and packing and then move to Maui for 3 years. When I was in Kansas in April, something just wasn't feeling right about this move. So, after much prayer, I decided to pull out of this opportunity. Now what? I had no idea.

I went home in May a bit confused -- trying to stay the course, but what course was it, exactly? My plan from November was that I would be in Maui by May but that wasn't going to happen. I had such an amazing time in Kansas that I thought maybe this is where I'm supposed to be. Not know exactly in what capacity but I just had to get back there. I went back to Kansas in June open to what might be there and enjoyed the hospitality of the King family. Near the end of my stay, it was brought to my attention that my friend Mark's dad, who is the pastor in a Mennonite church down there, were looking for a Youth Pastor. I had a meeting with the elders in the church and was offered the position! Woo -- so, I clearly thought that THIS is what I was supposed to do. All I needed was a Visa. The application for the Visa started right away and we guessed that maybe by August of 2010 it would be at such a stage that I could start my move down there. But it took too long and I was back to the drawing board. All of the options seemed like such a great and unique fit but it wasn't a go.

That brought me to the decision to just stay in Penticton and find a job and make it work. I couldn't really start looking for work until mid-August when we realized that the Visa just wouldn't happen and I certainly didn't expect it to take two months to find a job...any job! That brought me to mid-October when I finally landed a job at the Old Town Farm Market selling fruit and vegetables at a whopping $9/hour. Humbling accepting any income. But let me tell you, it is quite difficult living for free at Mom and Dad's at this level. I am very thankful!

Perhaps the combination of a limited income and the fact that I was still looking for that 'perfect job' as a manager or something but not getting anywhere plus the desire that I was starting to come back to the idea of working with my strengths again with youth and in coaching (and the bball reffing has helped too) that I was hit with the idea like a brick in the face. I was sitting with Mom at Sarah and Ben's school Christmas concert and I thought to myself, 'hey, I could totally do this teaching thing'. And there it was. A perfect storm. All things coming together and I've FINALLY decided, under my own intensions and desire to become an elementary teacher! Yep, I for real have found my big girl panties and have made a real decision to become educated and find a real job! No more shluffing along waiting for something to land on my lap. I'm going to earn it and I'm going to do it!

UBC Vancouver has a 12 month program for elementary teaching with a July 2011 intake and I'll be completing my application for that once their offices open on January 4. That's all I know. I don't know where I'm going to live or any details but I have a goal. I'll be working to save money for tuition etc. and I'm very excited! This for sure is where I should be. I'm happy that it has taken me this long to figure it out. I'm happy that I figured it out on my own. I'm happy that I have a huge level of world experience in traveling and different jobs that I can use for the rest of my life. I'm ready to go to school and settle into a good job.

Woo! That's my news!

2011 is going to blow my mind and be a blast!

A great year in review

The other day, I sat down and wrote my own year in review in my journal. It was quite an epic year if I do say so myself. If there is a better year out there, it'll have to 2011!

Here are a few highlights I'll share:

- lived in Whistler and worked at the Olympics as a housekeeping supervisor in Athletes Village
- went on the Olympic skeleton track (head first!)
- seasons pass to Whistler mountain!

- Vancouver 2010 Olympics!
- attended the rehearsal to the Opening Ceremonies
- riding the bus with my ski gear to hit the hill for the day (especially on my birthday!)

- Paralympic Games -- amazing athletes

- went to Kansas! Farm life: strawberries, milking, birthing a calf (!), chicks, Cashew

- hung out in Penticton

- returned to Kansas!
- hiked my first 14er in Colorado: Mt. Shevano
- road trip with the King family from Kansas to Michigan, stopped in St. Louis

- celebrated Omi's life

- Girls Weekend turning into a family reunion celebrating Omi's life
- looked for work

- started Financial Peace University with Dave Ramsey
- Kiera Harkness born...a little (lot) early but just perfect

- got a job (!) at Old Town Farm Market
- made my first few Lambie Loves
- visited Kiera in the Kelowna hospital a few times

- started reffing basketball
- sold my car and bought Gladys
- paid off my student loans!

- graduated from Financial Peace University!
- Festival on Ice in Pencticton -- with Kurt Browning, Joannie Rochette, Sale and Peltier
- Carrie Underwood in Penticton! Amazing seats and good company with Carmen!

God is good and has provided all things!
Happy New Year!

December 21, 2010

Grocery Store Etiquette 101

For those of you who don't know, I work at a little farm market grocery store in Penticton. It's not much and every two weeks I wonder how I can live for free at my parents on such little pay but it's all I've got right now. It feels like I'm mostly a cashier but I do have my turn down produce alley -- stocking round things on square platforms (onions are my fav) or trimming lettuce and celery. Every item has a code. You can ask me anything. Come on. Go for it! Asparagus? Easy. 33. Kohlrabi? Never heard of it? Me neither. 187.

Anyway, my purpose here is to let off a little steam with a few things that seem to happen on a regular basis. Three cheers for customer service!

Here we go with Grocery Store Etiquette:

1. Please empty your OWN basket. I may look more than capable, but it's just rude and frankly slows the line down because I have to dig around your pile of food at a very difficult angle. Oh, and while your emptying your own basket and nifty cart, do recognize the urge found deep down that you really should put it back where you found it. Leaving it in the middle of the isle or in front of the door is really unsightly and giving people the wrong impression that it's ok.

2. Please place items on the counter as close to cashier as possible. Do not be fooled that the stainless steel countertop is NOT, in fact, a conveyor belt, nor do my arms fall below my knees giving me greater access to the items at the farthest end of the counter.

3. When given the total amount to pay, swinging your arm up in the air with a card of some description does not actually indicate how you intend to pay. Is that debit? Could it be a Visa? Mastercard? I consider myself fairly talented but I cannot read your mind or read the back side of any bank cards. Since when has society resorted to complacency and lost the ability to converse and say words like, "I'll use my debit card please" or "I'll pay with Visa, thanks". Maybe my favourite customers are the old people who use cash. They take their time, dig out their hard earned money, and count their pennies. It's an effort to spend money -- just like it should be. It's to easy to swipe and run, not to mention, completely impersonal. All this to say, USE YOUR WORDS. I don't care how you pay but it would sure be nice to know so I can push the right buttons on my end to take your money. Oh, and on this credit card business. There is no need to apologize to me for using your credit card. If you are apologizing because you feel bad for putting less than $5 on your credit card then that's your problem and clearly you don't have control of your money. Again, not my problem.

Well, that's just a start. Other things do arise and I'll be sure to jot them down to share. In the meantime, be nice to the grocery people (especially around Christmas time). They're typically decent people (cough cough) not getting paid a lot (gag!) and have to deal with a whole range of people. Be one of the nice ones. Thanks.

November 23, 2010

The heat is on!

Over the past few days, the weather has dipped below freezing...and by dipped, I mean it's well below! This is no Edmonton at -30 where your nose hairs freeze (crazy people!) but a solid -14 warming up to a balmy -11 still requires several layers of clothing dug up from the abyss of a 'winter tote'. It was a beautiful morning and a perfect day for Gladys to get her heat fixed! Have you ever had to drive is sub-zero temperatures INSIDE YOUR VEHICLE??! There's nothing like a touque, gloves, scarf, winter coat AND a quilt wrapped around you just to keep your own blood focussed on warming your vital organs while you drive anywhere. Oh, and it's best to not breathe too hard (or sing too loud) so your vision of the road isn't hampered by seeing your own breath...not because the wiper blades are frozen and can only seem to clear the windshield in those 'why do wipers even wipe there' places. Anywho...Gladys got her thermostat replaced today! Yay! It's all exciting to have heat, let me tell you! It's just too bad that my drive to and from work is only about 7 minutes and it takes about 10 minutes for the ol' girl to pump out some heat! I'm sure proud of her every time she starts up, though!

Now, to change gears and talk about something the same but different...

Living in the basement. Basements have a unique temperature all to their own. In the summer, it is the ideal place to sleep because it can stay quite cool. In the winter, it is not the ideal place to sleep because it can stay quite cool. I think it's about the 8th stair down that you can literally feel the cold creep through your socks. For the past several weeks, I've had to 'pre-heat' my room with a floor heater. If I failed to do this, well, it's achingly cold. Even if I do pre-heat the room, I have about four blankets on my bed and crawl in with a sweater and socks on (and sometimes if I'm lucky, I'll have one of those microwave beanbag thingys). Tonight was just the same. Half way through the Biggest Loser (that show makes me c-r-y!), I had to pause it and run downstairs to brave the elements to allow at least 2 hours of pre-heat to take place. Phewph. Little did I know that Mom had a little surprise for me! I was the last one off to bed (as usual) and doddled downstairs with my already cold feet so I knew it was going to be a rough start to sleeping. As I'm picking up a few things off my bed, I'm befuddled that they felt warm. I'm thinking, 'this is odd that that measly floor heater has reacted with these clothes to make this one area on my bed really warm'. And then I flip open the covers after recognizing that my top blanket is not there and my quilt is upside down to discover AN ELECTRIC BLANKET!!!!!!!!! I squeeeeealed! Mom had planted the blanket in the afternoon and turned it on this evening so it was (and is while I type this) toasty warm! Mom was wondering what was taking me so long to get in bed but after I squealed I heard the footsteps and a knock on the door. She dove into bed and we had a good laugh and enjoyed the toastyness together!

Oh, what a day! Happiness is in the moments!

(and I want to mention and thank everyone who have shown interest in Lambie Love. I'm still figuring out the cost but am totally willing to take orders if you seriously want one. Small, medium or me!

November 21, 2010

You know it's winter when...

...the snow that ends up on the floor mats from your boots when you get in your car doesn't melt throughout the day (or is that just because the heat doesn't work in my car?) can see your breath while driving in your car...even after 20 minutes! (or is that just because the heat doesn't work in my car?) bundle up in a quilt, touque, gloves, scarf and winter jacket just to drive to work (or is that just because the heat doesn't work in my car?)

...don't even get me started on the windshield wipers freezing.....

Seems to be a theme here. Pretty sure I'll be getting my thermostat looked at this week. And every time I think back to that time I had seat warmers, I smile and am very grateful for my Gladys. :) She's a trooper and has a great stereo system. Not to mention I won't be getting stuck on our driveway this times.

November 18, 2010

Getting there

It takes a plan and it takes time. Throw a little sacrifice in and you'll get there. "There" is a big big place but, to simplify, the 'there' I'm talking about is dumping my debt. I wouldn't consider that I'm in a huge hole (and I'm super thankful about that!) but it still needs to be taken care of.

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of paying off my student loans!! PRAISE THE LORD! Now, it wasn't huge but even with the automatic payments each month it wasn't going away. Good ol' Gladys comes into play here for without the so-called 'sacrifice' of driving her instead of my comfortable heated-seat Subaru I would not have been able to get rid of these payments.

The other sacrifice, which I would rather call a blessing, is that am able to live at home while I sort out my life. It's a sacrifice for my parents, no doubt, and I am incredibly thankful that the door is open. With a little more debt to organize payments for, and the freedom to live at home in the process (and be fed unbelievable meals!) I'll be debt free within 6 months! WooHOO!!

Set up a plan, live below your means and you can do it too! It's going to be worth it!

November 5, 2010

Her name is Gladys

Gladys Pickle, actually.

I sold my car today and fell back ten years in time -- it's been quite a day! First of all, the timing of it all has been such an answer to prayer. I have been trying to sell my car for a handful of months so it's quite a relief to have a lot more money in the bank. I've also been taking a financial course on becoming and living debt free and, after not having a real job for so long, I really needed to unload the debt I had with my car in order to start my 'snowball effect' of erasing my debt. My heart hurts just a little bit today and I can't believe it's actually gone (en route to Prince George, in fact!) but I'm over has gone to a happy family! Yay!

And here's how I fell back in time.....I bought a 1992 Subaru Loyale wagon for $700! Ha! The insurance cost more than the car! I know I'm not that sharp with math so I'll explain how buying an eighteen year old car gained me ten years. It was ten years ago (and more) that I had the privilege to drive a 1989 Subaru wagon and this one is almost identical! Same colour and everything! It's almost weird to drive it -- makes me feel 21 again! It just turned 300,000km and already had a name! I bought it from an Italian hippy who wanted to sell it because he was going traveling (like back to his homeland to see family) and he said that her name is Gladys. And is she ever a Gladys! I love it...I mean, her! When we went to get plates on it, the lady picked out the license with the letters 'PKL'...naturally for Pickle. So that's her name! Gladys Pickle. Oh, and I also got a membership at BCAA so I'll be covered.

She purrs.
She runs.
And she has a sweet aftermarket stereo system with an ipod attachment.
I'm literally laughing all the way to the bank!
If you knew me back in university days, you know exactly what she looks like! haha...what a dream!

October 29, 2010

Lambie Love by Auntie Rachel

When I was a little girl, my Great Auntie Kaye gave me this lambie. This lambie went EVERYWHERE with me -- as you can probably tell by how flat and flimsey the ol' girl is! I love this lambie! I love how it smells, I love that I've had it for so long, I love that it's mine and I just love how cute it is! I even still sleep with it...there, I said it! :) Because of this lambie, I love sheep! I just love them! It helps that my name in Hebrew means 'ewe' so, I guess I'm born with an attachment to these creatures. My life probably came full circle when I was down in Kansas visiting on the farm when I got to bottle feed Cashew AND that one time I picked up a freshly born babe to help it find it's mother!

Two of my very good friends, from two completely different times in my life, have just had baby girls. One was premature (but is the cutest little thing and such a fighter!) and the other was given the name Rachel (but not after me). And this got me to thinking about what I can do/give to these new little people that was given to, in combination with my new experience and skill (?) in sewing AND my new found free time away from facebook, I've decided to start making lambies! I'm calling them "Lambie Love by Auntie Rachel" and so far I've made three! I love it! Mom taught me how to do it since she's the one who copied the idea and has been making lambies for babies within the family for several years and now I've made it my project!
I present to you, my line of 'Lambie Love' by Auntie Rachel! I'm still practicing so they're not perfect, but I kinda like that! They have a personal 'handmade' touch with skewed legs and floppy ears but they are soft and adorable and super fun to make! The big one is approximately 30cmX30cm (11inX11in) so you get an idea about their size. My goal is to make a bunch of them over the winter to be able to have them for sale online and possible at a market or two -- they make a PERFECT gift for any child. It's a fun little project and I'm excited to be able to thread the sewing machine all by myself (Mom laughed so hard when she was showing me how to do it!) and it's such an accomplishment to finish a lambie before a shift at work!

I think the sewing machine will be humming this winter and I can't wait! I'd like to get my own with an embroidery option but that'll take some time.

Aren't they CUTE!

October 23, 2010

It's an Auntie's life!

With great thanks to Lisa (who tends to keep me updated with everything that People magazine can produce), I'd like to take this time to congratulate my dear friend, Celine, on the birth of her twin boys! It's hard to be an Auntie from a distance but I'll do my best! I could only imagine what their names will be -- oh, I'll bet one will be named after her late father.

Now, I know it's really weird that I get as excited as I do about all things Celine but that's just the way it is! (No lyrical relation intended...ha, but funny how her lyrics just rolls off my tongue and can be incorporated in everyday life!! Well, maybe just my life.)

Happy Day!

October 18, 2010

Get a life!

The working life is great and I'm loving it! I've only had three shifts and it's fresh and new and exciting! I've been on cash for most of it learning the codes for the veggies and fruit and having a great time with the customers! Especially making them laugh with ideas of how to carve the green peppers that are almost the same size as pumpkins...they're on special this week, you know.

The great thing too is that I don't take any work home with me (unless I'm going to eat it!) I can show up, have fun talking to people, help them to have a great day by selling them good local food and then leave. No one is knocking at my door for a bandaide, I'm not lugging goalie gear back and forth to the field...I'M GETTING A LIFE! I even have time to take a financial planning course on the weekend AND am playing on a co-ed volleyball team. First game is tonight -- cheer for "Some Spike it Hot". Even the name is right up my alley.

Ah, life. It was worth the wait!

Thanks for the comments, Brenna! :)

October 14, 2010

Oh happy day!


I finally landed a job today -- hired on the spot! I'll be working in a little greengrocer that just opened today in Penticton called Old Town Farm Market. It's a really cute place that sells local produce etc. I'll be mainly working in the produce section stocking shelves and displays and I have to say I'm quite excited! Sure, I'll be making just over minimum wage but it'll be a fun environment and it will be a regular, full time shift!

Now I can actually make a budget for my financial course and stick with it! Hooray!

October 11, 2010

And be thankful.

There are more than several things to be thankful for on this special Thanksgiving weekend -- here are a few of my favourites.
I'm thankful...
1. ...that the bears roaming our yard at night (and leaving scat on the driveway) do not have opposable thumbs to open the doors of our house and help themselves to our turkey leftovers or our human bodies.

2. ...for a brother-in-law who loves his new-to-him minivan so much that he researches and repeat watches the commercials for the 2011 version of his 'vantisy'

3. ...that I'm unemployed and available to help with the projects around the house -- including pushing our hot tub off the porch this morning!

4. ...for Opi and how hard he works around the house. Though his heart and feet are restless, he is such an example of God's love and wants to share it with the world. I'm also thankful for his stories -- he has a lot of them for his 97 years!

5. ...for my family who has taken me under their wing in this difficult time. We can all feel the pressure and can all wonder why and ask what's next but God only knows. I'm also thankful for kleenex because I've used a lot of it lately.

6. ...for new beginnings. There seems to be an open door for many of them!

7. be home for Thanksgiving! I think it's been close to 13 years since I've been able to enjoy this weekend relaxed at home and it feels good.

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17

October 8, 2010


There has to be something out there that I'm neither OVER qualified or UNDER qualified for. I did not get the job with the Boys and Girls Club because I have too much experience with high achieving youth as opposed to the 'at risk' type.

God must really have something special on the way -- that's the only thing I can hang my hope on right now.

October 6, 2010



I can only hope that my trip down unemployment lane is just about over! I had an interview this afternoon with the Boys and Girls Club to be a Youth Worker in the high school. From my perspective, I think it was a good and strong interview -- they'd be a fool to not hire me. I may not have the true-blue 'counselor' skills but I think my experience working with youth should help me out.

I don't want to get too excited but I just feel like this is very well suited for me. So, yay!

September 30, 2010

When bad hair happens to good dogs...

Last week, my shaggy dog Jamal got his hair cut. He usually just gets buzzed but when the groomer hears the magical 'poodle' word, something must come over them to create the most ridiculous finished product. It always takes me a moment to see him for the first time when I pick him up and I NEVER want to lead him on to think that he should be embarrassed...but seriously! This time, he looked relatively 'normal' but his ears were super long so the drastic contrast between his near-flesh buzz cut and his ears hanging way too down low for my liking was a bit shocking!

When in doubt, fix it yourself, right?! Well, not really. I did wait for everyone to have their own satisfaction in welcoming Jamal's new haircut back into the family but then decided to trim (or hack) a whole two inches off myself with the kitchen scissors. Um, not the best outcome -- if I thought they were frizzy before...oh my word! He looked like he were wearing two pig-tails and when he ran it looked like he hovered over the blades of grass. Oops.

So, when bad hair happens to good get your hair-stylist sister to texturize those ears and give him some much needed (and well-deserved) layers. He's still my boy and the bonus now is that I'm starting to recognize him again! He's also fashioning a nice grey smear on his back side after 'helping' paint at Karen and Travis' new home. If I cut that section off, he'd be bare bummed and I'm just not going there. It's cute, though...makes him look like he's walking backwards.

September 28, 2010

Baby girl

Well, I'm happy to announce that my friend delivered a baby girl this morning -- Kiera Dawn.
3lb 10oz

They are in intensive care in Kamloops and all seems to be well.


September 27, 2010

Real life

"I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him." 1 Samuel 1:27

People all around me are having babies -- friends that I went to school with, friends I've just met, friends in Maui, a sister, and a sister-in-law. I guess it's that 'time' in a woman's life when that sort of thing happens...not mine, though -- that's not what this message is about.

One of my oldest friends is due to have a baby at the beginning of December. We met before the time that bangs and hairspray solidified their place in history (thankfully, she had the bangs...I just had the home-perm!). Anyway, she sent me a message the other day that said that her water broke...10 weeks early and she's on bed-rest now in the hospital. I don't know much about babies but I know there's good reason for them to be in the oven for the allotted time. Please pray that she can stay calm and that the baby can stay inside her for as long as possible. It doesn't look like full-term is in the picture but a few more weeks can make all the difference.

You can do this, Carmen -- you're one of the toughest people I know!

September 26, 2010


"Sausages and baklava" doesn't exactly have the same ring to it as "Bowties" does (and I'm thankful for that!) but I'm starting to wonder if my 'bowtie effect' is starting to look a lot more like a tube of sausage links. Hmmm...

Now, don't get me wrong I LOVE sausages -- they just don't have the same aesthetic appeal as a bow-tie. Thankfully, the concept is the same where I believe that God ties the knot in certain areas in our lifetime and brings certain people into our life when we need them -- when things are awesome or tough He ties us closer and tighter to Him. Our life comes from the broad to the narrow and he ties us in the middle to prepare us to go out from there and the cycle continues. I just didn't know that the knot would be so tight sometimes! I'm ready to discover the 'what's next' in my life...but maybe I'm not quite tied tight enough just yet.

September 25, 2010


Being overqualified isn't as cool as it may sound...especially when looking for work and being open to new experiences. I had two interviews this week (one at UPS and one at Cobs Bread to be an early morning baker) but the fit just wasn't right. Not that I couldn't have done the work (quite easily, in fact) but they said it would take several months, if not a year, to train someone for the position -- and, they could see through me that if something better came along, I'd jump at it. What they don't see, however, is that I'm willing to work and not only willing but in NEED! I know that God will provide because he always has, but it's hard! And, if you haven't done it for a while, sending out resumes isn't as easy as it may sound. It takes a lot of time, effort, research and detail to get it just right for each individual place and that's where I'm losing momentum to keep pumping those out.

My car is up for sale again...and for real this time! I'm taking 'Financial Peace University' from Dave Ramsey at my parents church and it couldn't be at a better time. So, selling my car just makes sense and then I can start building wealth from scratch on my way to becoming and living debt free! Thankfully I don't have much debt (most of it is my car!) so I'll be well on my way to financial freedom -- especially after I land a job!

I couldn't be in this current position without the support of my family where I'm completely relying on them for food and shelter (and more). Mom and Dad have offered for me to work at their store to pull weeds and what not so, I'm off to do that. There's a lot to be said for being able to wake up and have a day of work in front of you...especially a day free of rain!

September 15, 2010

Freedom from Facebook

I have a friend named Hillary. Although we rarely see each other or speak to each other, we have a history. Our parents grew up together and we were born two days apart from each other, so, it’s just plain and simple that we were born to be friends regardless of what happens.

The other day, Hillary challenged me with her decision to lock herself out of her facebook account. Big deal, right? Well, it is and I applaud her for it! It got me to thinking, “lucky her…she’s no longer consumed by the falsity of this social network that we think is so real”. If you stop and think about it, the whole concept and incoherent ‘value’ of facebook has really plummeted. I hated how I always have to ‘check’ and see if anyone ‘out there’ thought of ME…or thought MY post was funny. Don’t even get me started on the ‘snooping’ and ‘creeping’ aspect. Do you actually think we are building HEALTHY relationships through this socially degrading waste of time?

Now, granted, I’ve connected with old friends and far-away family that I never thought I’d be able to see again or that often BUT the awesome part there is that once we connected FACE to FACE, we continued talking and seeing each other. What a concept. The flip side is be’friend’ing someone for the sake up upping my friend count so I can creep on their page and see what they’ve been up to for the past 10 years is NOT cool. Facebook has taken my most valuable asset away from me and that is my TIME. Once it’s used up for the day, I can never get it back. Not to mention they own everything I put on there…yikes!

There is a somewhat spiritual side to it all too. I’ve been able to hide the importance of my relationship with Jesus Christ on facebook because it can appear to be uncool. Well, you know what? It IS cool and I would WAY rather spend more time with him becoming a better person then sitting here waiting, wishing and hoping that someone out there, ANYONE, would just write something on my wall, or comment on a picture to see how COOL my life is compared to theirs. Wow, that is so unbalanced to what I believe and want my life to be about. This might be a surprise to some but it’s really me and I’m pretty sure if you liked me before and didn’t realize this, you’d still want to be my friend.

Truth is, I have hurt people with facebook and I have been hurt because of facebook. The deeper reflection for me is that it’s not worth it. Life is a race, not a game and I want to live in such a way as to “find out what pleases the Lord” (Ephesians 5:10) rather than what pleases my social network.

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.” (1 Corinthians 9:24-27)

After a few days of contemplation, I have decided to delete my account. I don’t know the specifics of how to do it but I'm going to figure that out and it’s going to happen soon. Facebook does not and should not own me. I want to be free from the burden that I put upon myself and my concern for what others think. I want to read more. I want to see people face to face. I want to live my life! I will keep my blog, I do have email, I do have a phone and in actual fact, I have a pulse…you should check it out! Hooray! Let’s celebrate the fact that we all have a life worth living and go do it without having to boast about it for false, incorrectly spelled praise!

Think about it.

September 3, 2010


Have you ever trained for something so well that when the time came you were just ready??

I've spent most of the summer eating more than I should and not stopping when I'm full. I've barely done much exercise and my eating pants fit just right. I've just come off watching the Ironman ALL day so I'm ready to be on my feet for a long period of time. I couldn't be more ready for what's ahead tomorrow...

The PNE!!!

Yes, I will stand in line for mini-donuts and a whale's tail.
Yes, I will consume more than one hot dog...especially saving 'room' for my midnight dog on the walk out of the park.
Yes, I will stand in line AGAIN for mini-donuts and a whale's tail.

Oh, the heart burn.

Let my training pay off -- I've never been more ready!

September 2, 2010

It's official

With a statement like that, you'd think that I have my life a little more put together...but, don't you worry because I DON'T!

What is official, however, is the fact that I am not going back to Kansas as a youth pastor. When I was visiting down there in June, an opportunity came about to meet with a board of elders at a Mennonite church in Hesston to fill a need at their church for six months. It seemed like a perfect fit, really. The paperwork was going to be the issue in getting a Visa in time. If it was meant to happen, it would've happened. Because it was taking longer than we had thought, we decided to set a date of August 31 that if, by some miracle, the Visa came in I would fulfill my commitment. It didn't, that's why it's official. I'm staying here in the Okanagan and am looking for work -- a career change, perhaps! I have resumes out and am excited for the opportunities ahead of me...and by that I mean, I'm looking forward to making money again! Things have been a little tight (understatement) since I've been unemployed since the end of March. BIG time thanks to my family who have taken me under their wing and let me sleep at their place and eat their food. Mom doesn't even cook with cheese and I don't want to leave!

August 25, 2010

Updates are good

You might guess that I haven't written in so long because I've been swamped in a new job and can barely surface...but, you're wrong. I've been unemployed since the end of March. After my most excellent times in Kansas, I'm now back at home living the Okanagan summer life to the fullest!
Beach days are an absolute MUST! The weather has been spectacular and it's fun to throw the kids in the water!

The Stanley Cup came to town thanks to Duncan Keith -- that was super cool and it made me cry. It was piped in with bag pipes...and he was wearing his gold medal! I also found out that he's engaged to the sister of a guy I graduated with -- crazy world!

What is summer without a trip to my favourite Vancouver Islanders?! I had an awesome visit at the Clark cabin where I was doted on by my bestie, Nathan! He made me a bracelet (and so did Olivia) that I'm wearing to this day. Rough life, I tell you!
And then, it was time to celebrate Omi's life. She passed away a week short of her 92nd birthday. All the family came to Abbotsford for the celebration and it was such a privilege to have her as my Omi and to honour her life. She always said that she was 'sooo blessed' but I think that anyone who knew her knew that we were the ones who were blessed to have her in our lives. I miss you, Omi.

And then, our annual Girls Weekend turned into an open house event! We had 26 people staying on our RV's, tents and sleeping wherever! I slept on the floor in the living room on my camping mat! It was a great time to visit with family from California and Seattle that we don't normally get to hang out with. Super fun times!

And then there are adventure days! Hikes are a must in the summer but you've got to go before it gets too hot! Sarah, Ben, Jamal and I went to visit our geocache and took in my absolute favourite spot on our way back home. It may appear that they're feet are dangling from a cliff but trust me, we didn't go nearly as far as I usually go to have my quiet time. This was an awesome hike and these guys were troopers!

As for big time updates...

Well, after great consternation, I've decided to make my home in the Okanagan...and more specifically, Penticton. I've been floating around enough trying to find the 'perfect' spot only to realize that what I really needed to do was to make a decision and stick with it! So, I've made the decision and now I am looking for work here in the Okanagan. I'm super excited about it and the fact that now I'll be setting down some roots. Hopefully, after having a job for a few months and living at home, I'll be able to find my own place and finally get a chance to unpack my boxes!

I better head off to the job market search! My new task is to find a job to apply for, head to the beach to work on my resume, and then come home and apply for it. The sun won't shine forever!

July 1, 2010

From Flatland to 14,000 feet

A group of Kansas flatlanders (and myself) ventured off to the mountains of Colorado for a little adventure hiking and camping a few weeks ago. We met at the church for a 7am departure and hit the road straight to the Rockies (and I mean STRAIGHT!). Ten and a half hours later, we arrived to the National forest, parked at about 9,000 feet and grabbed our packs. Our first step was to hike in a mile or so and set up our first camp. I was encouraged to not pitch a tent and sleep under the stars so I thought, what the heck! It was really quite something -- seeing the bright stars at 2am, hearing the moment that the wind stops was amazing!
Mount Shevano is the one that the line of snow appears to point to the peak.

Day 2 we were up early to hit the trail on our ambitious route with our full packs (!). The plan was to take the Colorado trail for about 5-6 miles and then get on a different trail to eventually head to the Mount Shevano peak.

Beautiful Aspen trees against the blue sky.

So, we were off and walking single file through the beautiful trail -- getting water from the streams and pumping it or treating it so we could drink it and taking breaks so we could breathe and get somewhat used to the altitude. We were so used to walking in single file I was convinced we'd eventually get back to reality and continue this trend! Anyway, our main leader ended up getting some serious blisters about 4 miles in which altered our original route and was, I'd say, an answer to prayer! Although he was in pain and struggling, it was good for the rest of us and for us to change our plan to head back toward the van and take the main trail to Mount Shevano.
Resting at the stream.

So, after stopping at a beautiful stream to rest and dip our feet in the freezing water, we hiked the 4 miles back to a base camp for supper and then 5 of us continued up the hill to find a place to camp about a half mile away. This section was the most grueling of the whole trip because we were tired already and the amount of elevation gain we had to climb while being exhausted from the day and while wearing our full packs was almost more than I could bare! But we made it to a really cute camping spot at about 10,000 feet elevation that had a fire pit all set up so that made up for it.

Day 3 was summit day! Our goal was slow and steady and even that was hard! We were able to leave our big packs in our tents and carried only a day pack with long sleeves and water and even that was difficult! I think we had 4 miles to the peak with a 4,000 foot elevation gain! Every single step was uphill and it just got harder the higher we got! This is above tree line, people!! When we were at the tree line, we stopped for a bite to eat (and to have a last pee, of course) and this crazy lady RAN by us! She was running to the summit and looked fresh! It was ridiculous! Meanwhile, we hit the trail and literally have to stop every 50 step (if that) to catch our breath! Like, I was seriously huffing and puffing as if I've never exercised a day in my life!
Just about above tree line...!

The view was amazing...and the peak was quite cold but what an accomplishment! Going down was almost harder than going up...a whole different set of muscles plus your toes are pushed to the front of your shoes! Not only that but the whole way down you can't believe that you already went the other direction! I couldn't remember more than half of the route because I was so focused on my feet!

I was beyond exhausted when we got back to camp and could barely sit down by the fire -- my body was in a whole new state of hurt! I guess I could sit, I just had a serious problem getting up! I was so excited to get back to Kansas and to have a shower and sleep in a bed...and use a toilet, I'm not going to lie! Back to the bus by Sunday morning and after a big breakfast in Salida, CO we were on the road again!

What a trip and what an experience! It took me until Wednesday to be able to go downstairs without any pain! Oh joys!
Ah, the summit!

June 24, 2010

Vegetarians beware!

Little did I think that I'd end my one day of chicken butchering with one less friend. I posted a bunch of pictures on facebook shortly after the crazy butchering day and the next day I have a message from one of my Whistler roommates (who is a vegetarian) that she didn't want to be friends with me! She couldn't understand how someone could ever do this to another living creature, then she called me a loser and said that she's done being my our epic three month 'friendship' is over. Sad, I know...but it actually makes me laugh. This was probably the most humane way to butcher chickens -- I don't want to know how they would do it on a massive scale!

Anyway, all this to say that, yes, some pictures can be quite disturbing and I can't believe my hand was 'up there' either...but it just has to be done if you want to eat farm fresh chicken.

On a typical chicken butchering day, they do about 400 birds. The night before, the chickens are caught from the pasture and caged but they only have so many cages so when those are full, the remaining 150-ish are put in a horse trailer until more cages are freed up from the butchering process. Being the rookie in the crowd, they got me to experience the catching and the gutting...don't worry, I couldn't believe I was doing it either!
The first reaction to sticking my hand up the bum of the chicken is, "ooooo, that's warm!"...but after about 5 hours and one has poop still in its system, the reaction is more like, "AH, ech, I'm going to gag!" My screams and mini wig-outs kept everyone entertained...especially when they kept throwing and threatening me with the ripped off chicken heads. Until, that is, one of Kendra's friends came down with a full chicken and encouraged me to pull the head and cut the feet off before gutting. And so I did it...while it took me two pulls...and then I put the head on my finger, naturally!
He's smiling at me!

After all is said and done and the last chicken has been gutted, it's time for packaging. Some of the chickens are pieced into breasts and thighs and wings etc and some stay whole. Whatever pieces they are, they get shrink-wrapped and labeled and head straight for the freezer.
Kendra and I were just putting the last of the chicken wings in bags...and then, we had to head to the grocery store before heading home. Dressed as is, thank you very much! Haha...Kendra's shirt was still even splattered! Good times and great memories!

June 13, 2010

They call them 14ers

I'm heading to Colorado this Thursday with a few people from the church to go on a hiking and camping trip. I don't know all the details but I know that it will be close to an 8 hour drive to get there and then we'll be carrying all that we need on our backs up a 14, 000 foot peak. We'll be tenting for 3 nights...with no plumbing -- I guess I'll make room for a trowel. :)

Anywho...did I mention how high we'll be?! That's like, above the tree line! I'm so glad that Kendra and I have been running in the mornings to at least give me some kind of stamina...I'll just be carrying a 20lb pack for a few days while gaining altitude at a seemingly incredible rate. Just to practice, I packed Kendra's pack with some random contents for weight and wore it around the house while baking a cake and cleaning up.

It's going to be incredible and so worth the sore muscles but first things first...chicken butchering all day Monday!

June 11, 2010

When not to wear a white shirt

I learned yesterday the number one place to not wear a white shirt. Kendra, Mark, Daniel and I headed off to Hesston College to help Mark dismantle an old brick kiln that the college had no use for anymore. It was quite a project and we seemed quite fresh at the start of it while we were all piled in the truck (as seen here). Little did we know what we were in for...

It was a hot and windy day with lots of cotton flying though the air with added dust from nearby construction and age-old dust from inside the kiln ash and spiders. We piled brick on a little trailer and then into the back of Daniel's truck and then into the back of Mark's Dad's truck which also had a freezer on it that Mark and Kendra were taking back to Yoder. We were probably one straw hat short of the Hillbilly's!

And me...not looking as fresh!
I think I'm certainly earning my least I'm trying!

Pizza making day

From making the dough to baking the bread, singeing my forearm on a baking tray and burning the tip of my finger during the packaging process...20ish three-cheese pizzas were made. We even made crackers and pretzels out of the left over dough!

It was quite an all day process and of course we bake on the hot days so it makes the barn that much more comfortable!
Our little helper, Greta, was back too!

The crust is baked and the home-made three cheeses are on...

And then it's time to package them. Note to self and all others: do not touch the hottest part of the machine no matter how curious you are! It's even coloured red which could arguably be recognized as the universal colour for HOT things!

All tolled, I survived and my finger will's just like a piece of cooked meat, is all. Oh well.

Lilies of the garden

Just a little glimpse of what grows around here...

June 7, 2010

Amish 'I do's'

Saturday morning was a treat -- we were guests at an Amish wedding! Well, half-Amish, really. The guy used to be Amish and was marrying a non-Amish...but the Amish were in full attendance! My favourite moment was when we were just pulling up to the church (again, all decked out and cruising in the beat up '87 Ford Ranger...) when Kendra says, "I wonder how many horse buggies will be there...I bet 20!" I just about fell out of the truck! That is definitely one sentence I never ever thought I'd ever imagine hearing, let alone believing...and then SEEING! It BLEW my mind!

We entered the church and there they all was so cool! I wish I took a picture inside but they said no flash photography and I was sitting there stunned anyways! The wedding was so simple -- nothing to it. And the colour was purple so just imagine tulle EVERYWHERE both purple and white. If you are picturing a wedding from 1994, you've got it. After the wedding, we were ushered out to the fellowship hall where there was a buffet with baked ham and beans and potato salad -- dessert was in one corner and the wedding cake in the middle. The crazy thing about weddings here is that there is no program at receptions! Everyone just sits wherever and eats whatever and whenever they want and then just leave. No speeches, no toasts, no cutting the cake...nothing!

One of the cool things however was how every Amish person was involved. Because the wedding colour was purple, all the women wore a different shade of purple dress and the shade depended on what service you offered during the reception. For instance, all the servers of the food had a certain shade, all the ladies cleaning up had a different shade and so on. So simple and so gracious. It was all really quite something and I was glad I could experience it!

Nice buns!

Even though they call them cinnamon 'rolls' here...I still like to say buns! Friday's task was to help Kendra with filling the freezer with 33 batches of whole wheat cinnamon buns! It was probably 95 degrees outside (and hotter in the barn!) but they worked out...and they rose in no time at all!

While the dough was rising the first time, we were happy to retreat to the a/c in the house where my friend Kendra never stops moving and decided to make some muffins for her guests at the Inn. From there, we went back out and dealt with the dough -- 7 rolls per pie plate times 33! She did the rolling and filling and I got the pans ready and passed the dough to her from the huge mixer.

This picture is of the buns in the oven with a cool reflection of Kendra at the sink.

June 3, 2010

I've got the runs...

What I mean to say is...Kendra and I have agreed to go for a run every morning that she doesn't have guest who needs breakfast. So, for two days in row, we're up and running by 6:45am -- and it almost has to be that early or else it gets too hot! The best part is that there are absolutely zero hills to worry about!

After our run today, we were off to the farm to pick strawberries and make fresh jam! If you haven't had your fresh strawberry of the year, you better get on it! They are soo sweet!

One of the 5000 plants with delicious goodness awaiting consumption!

Pure goodness...

We made 10 batches...can't wait for fresh biscuits tomorrow!

Flying by the seat of an '87 Ford Ranger!

Mark is gone this week helping set up a summer camp and he took the car so Kendra and I are cruising in his sweet ride! It's pretty great, actually -- a little mini version of the beloved 'Grey truck' that our family knows so well from the paving days!One of our first tasks was to take Cashew back to the farm and reacquaint him with his fellow kind. He has gotten SO big (well, bigger then before) and he had eaten almost all of Kendra's flowers and ground-cover so it was certainly time for him to go back! We drove onto the pasture to where the sheep were, took off his dog collar, and dropped him off but he wanted nothing of it and ran beside the truck! Poor guy didn't know what was going on! Daniel was right there to move the sheep in with the cows anyway so we maneuvered the truck out in time for the fences to be adjusted. Cashew just looked lost -- nothing looked familiar! He managed through the night though and the report from today was that he was hanging out with the chickens...which makes sense because he slept in the chicken coop here at the Inn with the chickens! least he was with some friends that he could relate too! He'll be in good company with the calf I helped pull the last time I was here -- 'Knada'! Her ear tag says 'Knada' (sounds like Canada) and has 'eh' on the back! Love it!

That night we went to the 'Kid Jam' program at their church where they had been renovating a space for the last 3 months and it looks SO cool! I was really happy that I was able to help out too by painting primer on my first trip and this time we spent all of Tuesday there sewing and putting up curtains behind stage. It
is the cutest space ever! They've renovated a very very old church sanctuary into an amazing theatre space for their kids program! Sarah, Makenna, Ben and Peter would LOVE LOVE LOVE it! :)

May 31, 2010

Off to see the Wizard

I'm back on the blogging train! Sorry for the delay -- it's not like I haven't had anything to write about! Since I last logged on, it appears that I just finished working at the Olympics. A pretty good gig, I'd have to say! From there I ventured off to visit my friends Mark and Kendra in Yoder Kansas in April -- and it was amazing! Opened my world to a whole new place! Life on the farm -- oh, sweet life on the farm! Planting strawberries, picking up baby chicks, bottle feeding a baby lamb...pulling a calf! So sweet! It was so sweet, in fact, that I went home for 4 weeks and am back here in Kansas!

I arrived last night to this familiar place -- I don't know what it is but it just makes me happy! Today at the farm was their Spring party! A time where the King family opens up the farm to their customers and gives them tours and allows them to hang out at the farm for the day! Picnic blankets and lawn chairs, tractor tours, home-made pizza for lunch...rock climbing in the silo. You know, good old fashioned fun!

Why do I come back to Kansas, you might ask...and hopefully not as intensely as the customs agent yesterday (!) -- well, I have some great friends here who are hosting me in the sewing room of their adorable B&B while I help out wherever I can on the farm! Building relationships is also fun too!!
Stay tuned to new stories...I promise to write!

April 1, 2010

Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye either comes too soon or not soon enough -- and saying goodbye to my roommates happened too soon. I haven't had that many roommates in my life (and I guess Jamal doesn't count...but it sure feels good to have him cuddling beside me again as I type this!) but I sure hit the jackpot this time around in Whislter! Without having any control over the matter, it could've gone either way and let me tell you...I am SO thankful that it was AMAZING! The three of us got along so well and absolutely added to the entire Olympic experience. Lesley is in the middle (moving back to Ontairo) and Nathalie is from Montreal but has traveled the world and is heading to Thailand right away and then moving to Perth for a year.

Lots of laughs and lots of laughs! Nathalie was teaching me a bit of French (with the help of a Celine song or two) and we all just enjoyed each others' company. Nathalie worked with me in housekeeping and Lesley worked in the athletes village for the events planning (bringing in music entertainment for the athletes, setting up a dvd lounge and games room etc.). So we had stories to tell and issues to vent about and it was just awesome! We also watched the Bachelor and the Biggest Loser...of which we can't stand Jake anymore and are sad that we can't watch the end of the Biggest Loser together (tear). I'm sorry, girls, that you'll think of me every time you see a toothpick or have a bowl of cereal at night...but I do NOT apologize for anytime that a Celine song gets stuck in your head. :)

Not only am I going to miss these girls, I'm going to miss the house. I loved it! Sooo cozy and cute. I will also miss the shower! Oh my goodness! This thing was the best shower I've ever had the privilege to, well, shower in! Wow!

I'm happy to leave the snow behind, though. It just seems a bit much that it was dumping snow on the last day of March! I'm ready for Spring I tell you.

It's a great feeling to know that this experience happened that that I have a lifetime of memories that are going to surprise me at random times! For instance, just this morning I was dropping Nathalie off at the Vancouver airport and she brought out one of those wheely carts for luggage. Now, I know it's a wheely cart but for me, it's so much more -- and even includes a brief moment of imagined cold sweat! You see, we used these carts over the last few weeks to move boxes of toilet paper! Yep, the ol' toilet paper reared it's ugly head yet again! Let's just be thankful that it hasn't turned me away from using the, anyway........! I was able to strategically stack about 6 boxes on one cart and drive two carts from the elevator to the cargo van. No big deal.

Meeting people like this gets me excited for what's next and for who will cross my path! Woo! Watch could be YOU!

March 30, 2010

Reasons to Celebrate

Ok, I know I'm a bit crazy. I've known it for years -- it's nothing new. Some may think I'm a bit over the top with my love for Celine but really, it's just another reason to celebrate! And to celebrate LIFE (and eat cookies!)!

So, that being said...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CELINE! 42 -- WOO!

I love celebrating Celine's birthday! Like I said, it's an excuse to celebrate life and it makes me happy! It reminds me of the palooza parties that we would have when I worked at Brentwood. My friend Freeman had the idea to just celebrate someone on any random day. We would have a dinner party and make a cake and the only stipulation was that the person who was honoured had to share their life story. It was a great excuse to get together and learn more about each other! Fun times!

I celebrate Celine by either making cupcakes (2008) or cookies (2010) in some artistic expression of her and then it's all about picking out the right outfit and clearly listening to her music ALL the day long. Today, I opted to wear the jeans that I wore to her concert in Vancouver on October 20, 2008 along with the t-shirt from the Las Vegas concert on June 2, 2007. All this is topped off with my selection of the scent, 'Springtime in Paris' which Auntie Anita bought for me!

Man, I'm cool! ;)

Oh, not to mention...this day happens to be the end of my Olympic experience too! I'll be packing my car tomorrow and heading away from Whistler with a whole case of memories! There are going to be times in the coming years where random things will remind me of something that happened here and it will bring back a wave of memories. Something as simple as seeing a security guard at an event will remind me of the many times going through security...or perhaps even just seeing the colour blue will remind me of my uniform. And who can forget about the sound of the cowbell??? How about that time I worked at the Olympics...yeah, that sounds pretty neat!

March 28, 2010

We went to Pemberton

...and that's all I have to say about that.
I love having my car here!

My legs hurt

For my birthday, one of my co-workers got me a 'Fresh tracks' pass. It's a pass to have breakfast on the top of the mountain early in the morning and then catch the fresh tracks before anyone else! Well, that's what we did today! We stood in the rainy line-up at about 7:15am and were transported into some intense snowy conditions at the top. My plan was to really settle in for a big breakfast (since Nathalie and I have been very good for the past week in eating right and using the gym after know, the Olympic one...!). I had forgotten how long the gondola ride was or maybe I was just really excited for the buffet breakfast but either way, we were eating by about 8:10am and eating I was! YUM! Eggs, pancakes, BACON, name it! It was so good the first time, I just HAD to try it again! Half way through our breakfast, they rang a bell and that signaled the time that you could go and get those fresh tracks! Half the place cleared out but as I mentioned, I wanted a big breakfast (and the snow was still storming down) so we waited and hit up some seriously FRESH POWDER at about 8:45am. Yahoo! I have become a better skier since being here and am way more confident in powder -- my favourite part is when the powder hides your skies as your going down and it is so deep that my shins and knees get cold from it billowing up my body as I power through! Woo!

Because it was the last day I could ski, I wanted to make sure I went all over both mountains. So, we started the day on Whistler and then when the line-ups there were too long, we caught the Peak to Peak over to Blackcomb. I skied 7th Heaven until my legs hurt and then headed back home. I am fatigued! (even after my nap on the couch!)

What a day!