December 31, 2010

Big Girl Panties

Maybe I should've added this tid-bit of news to my year in review, but I figured it needed it's own post. I'll give you the whole history of it and keep you waiting...and reading.

I've spent the last half of this year trying to figure out what to do with my life and to see where God wanted me and what he wanted me to do. Not many people know but when I left Maui, I was offered an opportunity to return in May of 2010 in a paid position as the Volunteer Coordinator. All along, that was my plan. I was going to work in Whistler until March, have 2 months at home visiting and packing and then move to Maui for 3 years. When I was in Kansas in April, something just wasn't feeling right about this move. So, after much prayer, I decided to pull out of this opportunity. Now what? I had no idea.

I went home in May a bit confused -- trying to stay the course, but what course was it, exactly? My plan from November was that I would be in Maui by May but that wasn't going to happen. I had such an amazing time in Kansas that I thought maybe this is where I'm supposed to be. Not know exactly in what capacity but I just had to get back there. I went back to Kansas in June open to what might be there and enjoyed the hospitality of the King family. Near the end of my stay, it was brought to my attention that my friend Mark's dad, who is the pastor in a Mennonite church down there, were looking for a Youth Pastor. I had a meeting with the elders in the church and was offered the position! Woo -- so, I clearly thought that THIS is what I was supposed to do. All I needed was a Visa. The application for the Visa started right away and we guessed that maybe by August of 2010 it would be at such a stage that I could start my move down there. But it took too long and I was back to the drawing board. All of the options seemed like such a great and unique fit but it wasn't a go.

That brought me to the decision to just stay in Penticton and find a job and make it work. I couldn't really start looking for work until mid-August when we realized that the Visa just wouldn't happen and I certainly didn't expect it to take two months to find a job...any job! That brought me to mid-October when I finally landed a job at the Old Town Farm Market selling fruit and vegetables at a whopping $9/hour. Humbling accepting any income. But let me tell you, it is quite difficult living for free at Mom and Dad's at this level. I am very thankful!

Perhaps the combination of a limited income and the fact that I was still looking for that 'perfect job' as a manager or something but not getting anywhere plus the desire that I was starting to come back to the idea of working with my strengths again with youth and in coaching (and the bball reffing has helped too) that I was hit with the idea like a brick in the face. I was sitting with Mom at Sarah and Ben's school Christmas concert and I thought to myself, 'hey, I could totally do this teaching thing'. And there it was. A perfect storm. All things coming together and I've FINALLY decided, under my own intensions and desire to become an elementary teacher! Yep, I for real have found my big girl panties and have made a real decision to become educated and find a real job! No more shluffing along waiting for something to land on my lap. I'm going to earn it and I'm going to do it!

UBC Vancouver has a 12 month program for elementary teaching with a July 2011 intake and I'll be completing my application for that once their offices open on January 4. That's all I know. I don't know where I'm going to live or any details but I have a goal. I'll be working to save money for tuition etc. and I'm very excited! This for sure is where I should be. I'm happy that it has taken me this long to figure it out. I'm happy that I figured it out on my own. I'm happy that I have a huge level of world experience in traveling and different jobs that I can use for the rest of my life. I'm ready to go to school and settle into a good job.

Woo! That's my news!

2011 is going to blow my mind and be a blast!


L-i-n-d-s-a-y said...

That's SO GREAT!

Gail said...

Rachel that is quite the journey! I have always said to Kristal that I thought you would make a wonderful teacher and I am so happy that you have chosen elementary level.
These schools need young women teachers who will be willing to coach and mentor the young girls to prepare them to be succesful in team sports when they move on to middle and high school. Good luck, Rachel, I am definitely cheering you on from Saltair!

Stephanie said...

Good luck, m'dear! :)

Robyn said...

YEAHHHHH!! Way to go, Peters!

Lesley Hinton said...

Awesome. Maybe you could sell big girl panties on the side as well? I think I need some! :)